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Monday, May 2, 2011

Peyton Lee and Jordan Papirny Interviews

It seems to have become clear that Jordan Papirny from SSAC Southgate Lions in the Edmonton area and Peyton Lee who played with the Pursuit of Excellence Hockey Academy have separated themselves from the pack for goalies.  Jordan Papirny was the top goalie in virtually ever tournament that SSAC participated in and was a standout at westerns and the Alberta Cup.  Peyton Lee is coming off a great BC Cup and stand out season with POE.

Peyton Lee
Pursuit of Excellence (OMAHA)
5-11  165

Explain some of your most vivid memories from your minor hockey days growing up in Cranbrook both on a personal and team level?

I have made a lot of friends throughout the years playing hockey in Cranbrook. Also I have many memories of long bus trips, and early morning practices.

What was the decision behind attending Pursuit of Excellence Hockey program in Kelowna? How do you feel it has made you develop this season?
My family and I decided that going to Pursuit of Excellence would help me with my development of hockey and life skills. I think that pursuit has helped me with a lot of things so far this year; the quality of coaching and training that we get will help me, and my team-mates in our goals of becoming better hockey players.

You are widely regarded as one of the top goalies for the WHL Bantam Draft this spring. What do you think sets you apart from some of the other goalies in your age class?
I think my size and mobility, as well as competitive nature have helped me so far in hockey.

What weaknesses are you currently working on to excel both in midget hockey and junior hockey town the road?
I'm currently working on my flexibility and trying to improve on all aspects of my game.

Which NHL goalie would you like to pattern your game after and why?
Cam Ward and Carey Price are to goalies that I would like to pattern my game after because I grew up watching them play in the WHL, and I feel that they are two of the top goalies in the NHL.

What future hockey goals have you set for yourself and what will it take to achieve those goals?
I would like to be one of the top goalies selected in this year’s WHL bantam draft and would like to be selected to play on team BC. In order to achieve those goals, I will have to continue to work hard on and off the ice.

Jordan Papirny
SSAC Southgate Lions (AMBHL)
5-10  145
Last season you were one of the top goalies in the ambhl as a first year goalie. What was the biggest reason for that type of success?

Well I hate to take credit for it all because i had outstanding team mates in front of me helping me out. My goal for last year was to just work as hard and I can and never stop giving it all that I got and at the end of it all have no regrets

What minor hockey memory sticks out in your mind the most?
Peewee Tier 1 when we played against Calgary Blackfoot in provincials. They had never lost a game all season and we beat them 5-1, i had 31 saves. Brycen Martin, Brayden Point were on the Calgary team.

This season, you once again have outstanding numbers. Explain what type of goaltender you are and who you model your game after?
Im not really sure what style I play but i just try and stop the puck in the simplest way possible with no rebound. My favorite goalie in the NHL is Carey Price, I try to mold my game around his (obviously i try to be more consistent) but as long as the puck is out of the net then I'm happy.

Do you think you have what it takes to perhaps play in the WHL some day and what do you think you will have to work on to make it?
I'm not too concerned about the WHL right now, we got a long season ahead of us and if i keep focused and working hard, hopefully i can get to that next level

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

consider kai macdonald, great in u16s and in fianls with lee.